Monday, January 22, 2018


My thanksgiving story:

Its thanksgiving day and my family is hosting thanksgiving on my dads side of the family. The only thing my mom asked me to do was watch the turkey so it didn't burn, well , that didn't go as planned. When our guests started showing up the turkey was still in the oven. My little cousins came to me and wanted to play a game with me, and of course I cant say no, so I go downstairs to play a game and totally forget about the Turkey which is still baking. No one else is watching the turkey because it was my job. After about 30 minutes of being downstairs I go up stars to se what everyone is doing and I can smell something burnt and so can everyone else. I go in the kitchen and of course remember the turkey which is still in the oven and I open the oven and a bunch of smoke comes out. My mom comes over to me and says ''I only gave you one job and you burnt it". I took the Turkey out of the oven and it was pure black, no one wanted to eat it. In the end, long story short, I was given one job to cook a turkey and I burnt it so we ended up ordering pizza.
Image result for burnt turkey

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